Foods that can help ease pain
August 1, 2021
Maria Nolan

Living with pain is hard but there are some foods that can help ease pain, particularly those struggling with aches and pains in their muscles and joints. I was chatting with my Mum recently and she was raving about the healing powers of banana peel on our skin. I had heard about this years ago […]
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The Best Exercises To Prevent Plantar Fasciitis
July 1, 2021
Maria Nolan

Love running but struggling with persistent pain and stiffness in the bottom of your foot? You may have a condition known as Plantar Fasciitis. These are the best exercises to prevent plantar fasciitis Firstly, let’s talk about what is causing the pain in the first place. The plantar fascia is the thick piece of tissue […]
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What is causing my neck pain and headaches?
June 1, 2021
Maria Nolan

A tightening of the head and neck muscles may be causing your neck pain and headaches. This is called a tension headache and is common among teenagers and adults. Here’s how osteopathy can help. Many of us are using smartphones, tablets and laptops for hours on end so it is no wonder neck pain and […]
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The best way to sleep with lower back pain
May 1, 2021
Maria Nolan

Many people struggle to get a good night’s sleep and lower back pain is often a key reason. The Sleep Council recommends that healthy adults should get 7 to 9 hours sleep per night. Children and teenagers need even more than this. This blog explains the best way to sleep if you have lower back […]
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Why does my jaw hurt?
April 1, 2021
Maria Nolan

Why does my jaw hurt? Jaw pain can be caused by a problem with your TMJ or your temporomandibular joint. Some people will have a clicking jaw but no pain and this can also be unpleasant. This joint is located just in front of your ear and connects your jaw to the skull. If the […]
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Where can I get treatment for sciatica?
March 1, 2021
Maria Nolan

An osteopath is trained to find the underlying cause of your pain and is able to treat sciatica in a gentle and natural way. What is sciatica? Sciatica is caused by the compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve. This is a large nerve that runs from your lower back, into the buttocks and down […]
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The best foods to support your immune system
February 1, 2021
Maria Nolan

We regularly get asked by our patients what they can do to boost their immune system. The simple answer is a balanced diet goes a long way to keeping your immune system working in optimum condition. The best foods to support your immune system will have lots of vitamins such as A, B6, C, D […]
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COVID Update: January 2021
January 5, 2021
Maria Nolan

OUR CLINICS REMAIN OPEN 😷 Our clinics in Henley on Thames and Thatcham will remain OPEN during the current period of restrictions as announced by the government on 04.01.21 ✔ Osteopathy is considered essential healthcare by the government and Public Health England. We are supporting the NHS to carry out urgent and non-urgent services safely […]
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5 Lifestyle Habits For A Healthier 2021
December 1, 2020
Maria Nolan

It’s a jungle out there!! Yep I’m talking about the health & fitness industry. I work in this industry and even I’m bamboozled by the amount of “experts” out there, each promoting their own unique ground breaking formula on how I can improve my health and get in better shape in 2021 🤔 I don’t […]
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COVID Update: November 2020
November 2, 2020
Maria Nolan

OUR CLINICS REMAIN OPEN IN HENLEY ON THAMES AND THATCHAM We are heading back into a second national lockdown. 👩🔬 Thankfully the public is still allowed to access healthcare services and this includes osteopathy. This means that our clinics in Henley on Thames and in Thatcham are OPEN. Osteopaths are considered essential healthcare workers by […]
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How to avoid a back injury when gardening 👨🌾
October 1, 2020
Maria Nolan

How to avoid a back injury when gardening Gardening is great for your physical health and also for your mental wellbeing but you need to protect your back when gardening. As with any physical activity, you need to make sure that you protect the joints and muscles from injury. Your back is particularly vulnerable to […]
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Is It Safe To Visit An Osteopath When Pregnant?
September 1, 2020
Maria Nolan

Yes it is safe to visit an osteopath when pregnant. Many women find osteopathy helpful in the later stages of pregnancy when the body is under considerable strain. Expectant mums can experience pain and discomfort in the back, neck, shoulders, hips and pelvis. Indigestion, heartburn, SPD (symphysis pubis dysfunction) and fatigue are also common problems. […]
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June 12, 2020
Maria Nolan

WE ARE OPEN AS NORMAL We hope you and all your family are keeping well during these strange and uncertain times. We’ve had such a positive response from our lovely patients since we re-opened the Henley and Thatcham clinics in May and our new COVID-19 protocols are working great. We are all adjusting well to […]
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May 14, 2020
Maria Nolan

NOLAN OSTEOPATHY IS NOW OPEN Today’s update is a positive one. 👏 Following guidance from our regulatory body and Public Health England (PHE), our Henley and Thatcham clinics are now OPEN. Our Newbury clinic will remain closed for now. During this initial phase, we will be prioritising emergency and essential appointments. This includes patients who […]
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The Single Biggest Mistake People Make With Pain
May 1, 2020
Maria Nolan

Today I’d like to talk about the single biggest mistake people make when they have pain, which can have a serious and longer term impact on their health and quality of life. They ignore the pain hoping that it will eventually go away 🤷♀️ Pain is your body’s way of telling you that something is […]
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Improve your posture when working from home
April 1, 2020
Maria Nolan

Are you loving it or hating it? Working from home that is! Coronavirus has resulted in a huge increase in home working, which brings its own unique set of challenges. While there are lots of things we can’t control right now, the one thing we can do it make sure our home working environment is […]
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⭐️ Therapy Room For Rent in Newbury ⭐️
February 16, 2020
Maria Nolan

We have got a bright, spacious therapy room available to rent on shared basis in central Newbury. You would be sharing the room with Nolan Osteopathy. The room is ideal for therapists who are just starting out or for those looking to expand their existing business in Newbury. The very popular yoga studio The Studio […]
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How Can Osteopathy Help Me?
February 1, 2020
Maria Nolan

We often get asked the question – How can Osteopathy help me? This video gives a great overview of what a typical appointment with an osteopath will involve As osteopaths, we are trained to diagnose, treat and prevent muscle and joint injuries and related problems. We will use techniques such as joint articulation, mobilisation, soft […]
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5 Easy Lifestyle Changes You Can Make for a Healthier 2020
January 1, 2020
Maria Nolan

Lots of people are looking for ways to improve their health and get in better shape this year and there are plenty of websites offering celebrity diet plans, starvation diets and intense cardio workout routines that even have the trainers sweating. Is this what we need to become healthier for 2020 or is all this […]
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3 Simple Exercises To Get You Ski Fit
December 1, 2019
Sian Feltham

T’is the ski-son!!! Skiing season is well underway at this stage and thankfully most of our patients are returning from their winter holiday in tip-top shape. A few have not been so fortunate, however, and are back on the treatment table in our clinics. Most skiing injuries are in the knee or in the upper […]
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Can Osteopathy Help With Pins & Needles In My Arm?
November 1, 2019
Maria Nolan

It’s Q&A time. Here is a question we got asked by a concerned patient recently. Question: I get numbness and bad pins and needles in my left arm and hand when I wake in the morning. Is this something you can help with? Answer: Without seeing you and understanding a little bit more about your […]
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What is Paediatric Osteopathy and how can it help your child?
September 1, 2019
Maria Nolan

Sian Feltham is a paediatric osteopath and is based at the Nolan Osteopathy clinic in Henley on Thames. In this short blog, she explains what paediatric osteopathy is and how she works with babies, young children and perinatal mums. There are many reasons why parents bring their children to see me, but generally it may […]
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Hypermobile? Focus on STABILITY rather than FLEXIBILITY
August 1, 2019
Maria Nolan

Have you ever been in a yoga class and find you just can’t feel the stretch, despite being able to stretch really far? Or that your hips and back still ache despite doing stretch classes a few times a week? Do you often dislocate joints or keep getting sprains and strains? More often than not, […]
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Tennis Elbow: Getting To Grips With This Painful Problem
July 1, 2019
Maria Nolan

I’m sure many of us will have heard of a painful condition called Tennis Elbow or Lateral Epicondylitis. This is a type of repetitive strain injury and, unsurprisingly, many people believe it is caused by playing too much tennis or other racquet sports such as squash. In fact, only around 5% of people who suffer […]
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It Is Never Too Late To Improve Your Bone Health
May 1, 2019
Maria Nolan

I’m sure many of us of a certain age will remember that advertisement “Them bones them bones need calcium…” which was aimed at getting us all to drink more milk and get more calcium into our diets to improve bone health. Calcium is vital to our bone and teeth health but vitamin D is also […]
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Struggling With Headaches? Here’s How Osteopathy Can Help
April 1, 2019
Maria Nolan

We’ve had a quite a few people say to us recently that they didn’t know that osteopathy was used to treat migraines and headaches. Well it can be a very effective treatment method, although this will largely depend on what is causing the headache in the first place. Headaches will generally fall into one of […]
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Love Gardening? These 6 Tips Will Help You Avoid Injury
March 1, 2019
Maria Nolan

We love a bit of gardening here at Nolan Osteopathy. Not only is it good for your physical health, it is also great for your mental wellbeing and for alleviating stress and anxiety. However, many people hurt themselves unnecessarily when gardening by overdoing it and not being aware of their posture when carrying out certain […]
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Top Tips For Relieving Pain When Driving This Christmas
December 1, 2018
Maria Nolan

I read somewhere recently that people in the UK spend an average of 10-12 hours a week driving. Whether this is for commuting to work or for meeting up with family and friends, it is a long time to be sitting in a car and it can be a very uncomfortable experience if you’re in […]
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What To Do When You Get A Back Muscle Spasm
November 1, 2018
Maria Nolan

The dreaded back muscle spasm. One moment you’re bending over to pick something up and the next you’re in absolute agony unable to move. Muscle spasms can be caused by muscle imbalances, overuse, a sports injury or an accident but it could also be your body telling you that there may be a more serious […]
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How to keep your back healthy during the gardening season
October 1, 2018
Maria Nolan
Gardening is a brilliant way to keep active and has also proven to be a great aid, not just in physical health, but also for mental wellbeing, with horticultural therapy increasingly utilised as an intervention for mental health problems or simply to alleviate stress and anxiety. However, as with any physical activity, gardening should always […]
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The Best Exercises For Relieving Shoulder Pain and Frozen Shoulder
September 1, 2018
Maria Nolan

Many people suffer with shoulder pain in the UK, which can be caused by poor posture at work, trauma, sports or just sleeping awkwardly. Some of the most common diagnosis for shoulder pain include; rotator cuff dysfunction frozen shoulder biceps tendonitis acromioclavicular (A/C) joint dysfunction osteoarthritis hypermobility/instability of the shoulder While it is difficult to […]
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Helpful Tips To Avoid “Text Neck”
July 1, 2018
Maria Nolan

In an age when so many of us are using smartphones, tablets and laptops for hours on end, it’s no wonder neck pain is becoming one of the most common conditions we treat at Nolan Osteopathy. One condition in particular is becoming very common and has become known as “text neck”. Look around you today […]
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Struggling with Back, Neck or Shoulder Pain? These Tips Will Help You Sleep Better
June 1, 2018
Maria Nolan

Millions of people around the globe struggle to get a good night’s sleep and neck, shoulder or back pain is often a key contributor to the problem. Sleeping repeatedly in the same position night after night can in itself cause the pain in the first place. Various studies in the UK suggest that the most […]
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5 Tips To Beat Shin Splints
May 1, 2018
Maria Nolan

Shin splints are best described as pain or discomfort in the lower leg and is also known as medial tibia stress syndrome. It is a common problem for people who do a lot of running or who are involved in activities such as squash, tennis and basketball, which puts weight repeatedly on the lower legs. […]
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10 Tips For A Healthier Working Posture
April 1, 2018

Knee Pain – How Osteopathy Can Help
March 1, 2018
Maria Nolan

We’ve had several enquiries to our clinics in recent weeks wondering if we were able to help with knee pain so we thought now was a good time to write a blog explaining a little bit more about some of the more common knee problems we treat. Firstly here’s a little bit of trivia for […]
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What to expect when you visit Nolan Osteopathy for the first time
February 1, 2018
Maria Nolan

For many of our patients, their first appointment with us is the first time they will have visited an osteopath so it is natural to feel a little unsure of what to expect. If this sounds like you, keep reading as I’m going to share with you some helpful information on getting the most out […]
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5 Easy Ways to Boost Your Brain Health
December 2, 2017
Maria Nolan

As humans, we are always striving to make ourselves better. We want to be stronger, healthier, more intelligent and more successful. Brain health is just as important as our physical health. Regularly exercising your brain can improve your quality of life, help you live longer and help fight off brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s and […]
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The Tell Tale Signs Of Burnout…Do You Have Them?
November 1, 2017
Maria Nolan

If you are having a difficult time sleeping, always feel sick and can’t concentrate like you used to, you may be showing some classic symptoms of burnout. While the term isn’t recognised by the medical community, those who are overworked or feel that life is a continuous cycle of stress and exhaustion understand it all […]
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How Osteopathy Can Help With Post-Natal Problems
October 1, 2017
Maria Nolan

As I’m sure you’ll have noticed from my previous blogs on the topic, I’m very passionate about using osteopathy to help mums to be who are suffering with aches and pains as a result of pregnancy. In many cases, what is required is some straightforward posture and lifestyle advice and adjustments. You’ll find more information […]
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How to Prevent Running Injuries
September 1, 2017
Maria Nolan

Marathon time is just around the corner, which means we are in the middle of the training season. It’s a time that some runners dread, while others look forward to it. Training for a marathon can be challenging both mentally and physically as you work to stay focused and build your body into a strong, […]
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5 Great Reasons To Drink Cucumber Water
August 1, 2017
Maria Nolan

We all know how good water is for you, but did you know you can supercharge your drinking water by adding some slices of cucumber to it. Here’s why cucumber is so good for you. 1. ANTIOXIDANTS Cucumbers are full of antioxidants which help your body to fight free radicals, prevent sickness and keep us […]
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Helpful Tips If You Are Suffering With Back Pain During Pregnancy
July 1, 2017
Maria Nolan

For me, one of the best things about Osteopathy is its effectiveness in treating so many different conditions, some of which can be treated quite easily with a few postural and lifestyle adjustments. I really enjoy helping mums to be who are suffering with aches and pains as a result of pregnancy. One common theme […]
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8 Steps To A Better Night’s Sleep
June 1, 2017
Maria Nolan

Ever had that situation where you’re tired but just can’t seem to fall asleep? It used to happen to me quite a lot and it seems I’m not alone. According to a study by the UK Sleep Council, the average person gets only six and a half hours’ sleep each night, which most of us […]
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What Exactly is a Slipped Disc
March 1, 2017
Maria Nolan

An adult spine consists of vertebrae (bones) and in between each of these vertebrae is a cartilage disc. Each disc has an inner gel-like substance and a tough outer ring and this acts as a cushion between each vertebrae and helps with flexibility and movement. A slipped disc (also known as a herniated or prolapsed disc) […]
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7 Amazing Facts I Bet You Never Knew About Your Spine
February 1, 2017
Maria Nolan

Your spine is one of the most important parts of your body and it actually can be quite a fascinating subject to know about. I’m not going to go full blown osteopathy nerd on you here, but the spine really is fascinating. Here are some facts to prove it. #1: When you are born, your […]
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The Best Exercises for Managing Jaw Pain (TMD)
January 3, 2017
Maria Nolan

Ever heard of a condition called Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD)? It causes pain in your jaw and is quite common, with the NHS estimating that around 30% of the population will suffer with TMD at some point in their lives. Your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) or jaw joint is located at the side of your face, […]
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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – everything you need to know
December 15, 2016
Maria Nolan

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a type of a repetitive strain injury. It’s a problem that affects millions of people around the world every day and the cure, as always, will depend on understanding the cause of the problem in the first place. The carpal tunnel is a channel in your wrist and the tendons that […]
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Skiing – Tips on How to Avoid Injury on the Slopes
December 1, 2016
Maria Nolan

And so it begins!! Skiing season that is and right on cue we are beginning to see a steady stream of skiing related injuries coming before us. People invest so much time in finding great accommodation and funky clothes but never take the time to properly prepare their body for the rigours of skiing. Injuries […]
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Using Medical Acupuncture To Treat Acute and Chronic Pain
November 16, 2016
Maria Nolan

Medical acupuncture is an increasingly popular technique for treating acute (recent sharp pain) and chronic (over a prolonged period) pain conditions and it is something we use in all of our clinics. We have had some very good results with patients who have had neck, shoulder and knee problems, while it has also worked well […]
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Understanding Sciatica and How Osteopathy Can Help
September 1, 2016
Maria Nolan

Sciatica is quite common in the UK but it is important to note that sciatica is a set of symptoms rather than a condition. The symptoms can vary from person to person and even change in the same person. Some of the most common symptoms tend to be; Persistent pain down one buttock or leg. […]
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The Most Common Rowing Injuries and How to Avoid Them
August 15, 2016
Maria Nolan

Its been a packed sporting calendar so far this year and the Nolan Osteopathy team have been busy helping patients recover from injury and make it to the start line for their chosen event. Interestingly, we’ve treated quite a few rowers in recent months, so we’d thought it was a good time to write a […]
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Caring for young children without putting your health at risk
August 1, 2016
Maria Nolan

Looking after youngsters can be a very physically demanding job. Sleepless nights, endless crying and frequent nappy changing are a given, but many parents are not prepared for the physical challenge of looking after a toddler or young child. Using poor technique to lift and carry your child can lead to musculoskeletal pain, with the […]
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Pain Relief Tips for Osteoarthritis
July 14, 2016
Maria Nolan

While there are several types of arthritis, Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis are perhaps the most well-known. In this blog, I’d like to focus on osteoarthritis and explain in detail what it is, what causes it and what can be done to help alleviate the pain associated with it. What is Osteoarthritis? Osteoarthritis can cause joints […]
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Why golfers suffer with back pain and what can be done to help
July 1, 2016
Maria Nolan

We treat a lot of golfers at Nolan Osteopathy for various conditions, but lower back pain (lumbar spine region) is one of the most common ailments and can be a problem for golfers of all ages. Various studies have estimated that roughly a third of all golfers will struggle with lower back pain at some […]
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Guest Blog – Too Busy to Eat Healthily?
June 15, 2016
Maria Nolan

Our guest blog this quarter comes from Joy Skipper, who is one of the leading food and nutrition consultant’s in the Thames Valley. In this blog, Joy gives some simple tips on how to make a few healthy changes to your eating habits and also some interesting ideas on how to fit exercise into our […]
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Well-heeled vs Well-being
May 26, 2016
Maria Nolan

“When your feet hurt, you hurt all over” Socrates This quote has never been truer than in the modern world where wearing high heels are still deemed a must wear item, either for formal functions and events, going out on the town or in the workplace. While most woman associate sore feet as an unavoidable […]
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What to do after completing a big race
April 29, 2016
Maria Nolan

Top tips for a speedy post-race recovery Around 38,000 people took part in this year’s London Marathon. An incredible achievement and a momentous day for anyone who took part. Congratulations from everyone here at Nolan Osteopathy. Summer is just around the corner and we’re seeing the start of a string of race events, with the […]
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Jaw Pain – Helpful Information about Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD)
March 19, 2016
Maria Nolan

Jaw pain can be extremely uncomfortable and can be caused by a condition called Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD). Your doctor may refer to this condition as myofascial pain disorder. It is usually not serious, but it can have a significant impact on someone’s quality of life. What is TMD? Your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is more […]
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Its a long way from accountancy to here
October 1, 2015
Maria Nolan

In my first ever blog, I’m delighted to share that Nolan Osteopathy has just turned one and what a first year in business it has been. I’ve been very fortunate to meet and help so many wonderful people who have been incredibly supportive as I’ve tried to build a business that is reflection of me […]
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